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Since Taiwan is highly exposed to natural disasters, it is crucial to set up a remote monitoring system using sensor. Public and private sectors need to work together to collect big data collected from past disaster damages, and utilize the smart disaster prevention technologies, such as cloud analysis, monitoring network, low-power-consumption long-distance transmission to communicate efficiently among government agencies, enterprises and citizens easier and faster. Smart disaster risk management is crucial to improve quality of life, prevent enterprises from loss and upgrade the industries in Taiwan.
Big data analysis of traffic flow and telecommunication flow is helpful to plan the smart transportation system. For example, we can provide logistics companies with real time messages and plan the best routes to avoid the disaster area for the safety of workers. Mass public transportation systems particularly need assurance in continuing services without interruption caused by natural disasters. It is certain that adopting the smart transportation system is the leading trend for our future lives.

Introducing GIS system to analyze the potential of power generation in different areas can help making best decisions. Taking solar energy generation as an example, using the roofs of local communities or the big power plants invested by private sectors we can combine the use of GIS, sunlight and the building information to evaluate the potentials for power generation and increase the efficiencies of the solar energy generation.

How can we make the  construction procedures smarter? We can integrate automatic operation, indoor positioning systems, BIM and the supply chain management. We can also use robots and sensors at the con- struction sites, and ICT investigation and exploration particularly can be applied for those sites in the high risk of accidents to ensure the safety. Drones can be used to create high quality maps and 3D terrain data by cloud-based high-speed calculation and better planning for construction to reduce the human mistakes.

We can apply the concept of disaster prevention by introducing ICT technology into constructing smart buildings, which could detect flood, fire, earthquakes, typhoons and so on. If we add logistics monitoring system to it, these smart buildings will be able to prevent disasters by draining water, sending alert and shuting-down the elevators.

The risk of water shortage is a global issue. Nearly one quarter of 500 biggest cities in the world are facing this problem. ThinkTron Ltd. is devoted to smart water management, and it differs from the former water manage- ment system with low-cost and low-power sensor systems, larger scale and more spots of installments, which could results in real-time big data collecting. 

We should match it with the information platform to integrate and share the data. We should apply smart technology of Internet of Things to manage water resources better in Taiwan and ultimately achieve the goal of“make every drop of water counts.”